Microsoft has developed a Universal Inventory standard to help partners deliver standardised SAM services ensuring data quality, privacy and security. Microsoft has partnered with SAM tool providers to facilitate seamless and safe syncing of data from clients’ existing SAM tools to a client’s local Microsoft Universal Inventory database.
Sam360’s syncronisation tool is a PowerShell script that queries inventory data from a client’s Sam360 cloud tenant (using the Sam360 Web API) and copies it to a client’s local Universal Inventory database. The following data items are copied as part of the process.
Type | Details |
Hardware | Devices & ActiveSync Devices. CPU, Memory, Network Adapters, Physical & Logical Drives |
Software | All Software Titles, Services, Browsers |
Users | General Details, Logon Activity |
Exchange Server | Servers & Mailboxes |
Database Server | Servers & Databases |
Virtualisation | VMs, Hosts, Farms, Migration Events |
Configuration | Groups & Members |
Office 365 | Organisations, Subscriptions, Domains, Service Plans, Users, Assigned Plans |
Step 1 – Download Sam360 Universal Inventory Integration Script
The Sam360 Universal Inventory integration PowerShell script is part of Sam360’s open source SAM Gold Toolkit. The latest version can be viewed on Github here and downloaded from here. Make sure to save the script with the correct file name extension ‘.ps1’ – Github can suggest a ‘.txt’ extension by default.
Step 2 – Run the script in PowerShell
Open a PowerShell window and execute the script. It may be necessary to temporarily change the script execution policy to allow a downloaded script to run. The script will prompt the user for details of the Universal Inventory database and Sam360 log on details.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS C:\Users\sarah.morton> cd downloads
PS C:\Users\sarah.morton\downloads> .\Sam360UISync.ps1
_____ __ __ _____ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _
/ ____| /\ | \/ | / ____| | | | | |__ __| | | | (_) |
| (___ / \ | \ / | | | __ ___ | | __| | | | ___ ___ | | | ___| |_
\___ \ / /\ \ | |\/| | | | |_ |/ _ \| |/ _` | | |/ _ \ / _ \| | |/ / | __|
____) / ____ \| | | | | |__| | (_) | | (_| | | | (_) | (_) | | <| | |_
|_____/_/ \_\_| |_| \_____|\___/|_|\__,_| |_|\___/ \___/|_|_|\_\_|\__|
Computer Name: D1010042
User Name: sarah.morton@SAM360.LOCAL
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise(10.0.17134)
PowerShell Host: 5
PowerShell Version: 5.1.17134.112
PowerShell Word size: 64 bit
CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000
Elevated: False
Current Date Time: 2018-07-06 12:25:22
Script Path: C:\Users\Sarah.Morton\Downloads\Sam360UISync.ps1
API User Name:
API Server:
Universal Inventory Database Details Required
Server Name (Default [localhost\SQLEXPRESS]):
Database Name (Default [UI_DB1]): UI_SYNCTEST_10
Sam360 Credentials Required
Password: *******************
12:58:01.95 – Authenticating to
12:58:02.11 – Retrieving organisation details
If your Sam360 user account has access to more than 1 client’s data, you will be prompted to choose which client’s data to download.
12:58:02.11 – Retrieving organisation details
Index OrganisationName OrganisationDeviceCount
—– —————- ———————–
1 Contoso Ltd 2306
2 Fabrikam, Inc 18430
3 Northwind Traders 482
3 organisations available. Select the required organisation
Index (Default [1]): 1
Organisation ‘Contoso Ltd’ selected
12:58:06.27 – Querying Device details from Sam360
12:58:12.60 – Saving Device details to database [2306 Records]
12:58:23.49 – Querying User details from Sam360
12:58:24.73 – Saving User details to database [1495 Records]
12:58:28.02 – Querying Software Installation details from Sam360
12:58:28.28 – Saving Software Installation details to database [333 Records]
12:58:28.61 – Querying CPU details from Sam360
12:58:29.49 – Saving CPU details to database [328 Records]
12:58:29.80 – Querying Database Server details from Sam360
12:58:30.23 – Saving Database Server details to database [106 Records]
12:58:30.52 – Querying VM details from Sam360
12:58:30.66 – Saving VM details to database [129 Records]
12:58:30.83 – Querying VM Host details from Sam360
12:58:31.08 – Saving VM Host details to database [8 Records]
12:58:31.11 – Querying Mail Server details from Sam360
12:58:31.18 – Saving Mail Server details to database [0 Records]
12:58:31.19 – Querying Active Sync Device details from Sam360
12:58:31.24 – Saving Active Sync Device details to database [0 Records]
12:58:31.26 – Querying Service details from Sam360
12:58:36.15 – Saving Service details to database [15092 Records]
12:58:51.39 – Querying Web Browser details from Sam360
12:58:51.53 – Saving Web Browser details to database [137 Records]
12:58:51.60 – Querying Group details from Sam360
12:58:51.73 – Saving Group details to database [0 Records]
12:58:51.76 – Querying VM Events details from Sam360
12:58:51.80 – Saving VM Events details to database [0 Records]
12:58:51.81 – Querying Device Logons details from Sam360
12:58:54.10 – Saving Device Logons details to database [117 Records]
Downloading and saving the data can take a few minutes depending on how large the client organisation is. It’s also possible to specify UI database and Sam360 logon details as command line parameters to the script.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS C:\Users\sarah.morton> cd downloads
PS C:\Users\sarah.morton\downloads> .\Sam360UISync.ps1 -UIDatabaseServerName “localhost\SQLEXPRESS” -UIDatabaseName “UI_SYNCTEST_10” -UserName “”
The data has now been imported in to the selected Universal Inventory database. It can be viewed inside the Universal Inventory application.
Do you need a specific user account that has access to the API
Hi Robert
All portal user accounts can be used to access the API.